Elias Figueroa and Roger Federer along with Kartrina Webb and Tegla Loroupe address the UN Conference on Sport for Development and Peace
Carlos Alberto Torres (Brasil), Eric Wynalda (USA), Heraldo Munoz (UN Ambassador), UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, Elias Figueroa (Chile), Teofilo Cubillas (Peru). Gol Iluminado Foundation Chairman Elias Figueora presents a Donation on behalf of his FutbolMasters Organization for the implementation of an initiative with the United Nations Sport for Development and Peace
Figueroa brings Ronaldinho to UN Headquarters in NYC to have him appointed as United Nations Sport for Development and Peace Goodwill Ambassador_August 2006_Leighton, FC Barcelona President, Djbril Dialo, Ronaldinho, Figueroa
Elias Figueroa and Roger Federer along with Kartrina Webb and Tegla Loroupe address the UN Conference on Sport for Development and Peace
Elias Figueroa addresses a Conference on the "Utilization of Sport" as a vehicle to promote Peace and Development, at United Nations Headquarters in NYC. Did you notice Roger Federer in this video clip ?
Gol Iluminado Foundation bring Ronaldinho to United Nations Headquarters NYC to meet with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in his office. Arrange for appointment as Goodwill Ambassador of Sport for Development and Peace.